Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to 2012!!

Ah, another year.

There is something so hopeful and promising about a new year. We have no idea what to expect. We can GUESS what will happen to us and our families over the next 12 months, but there's no way to REALLY know. All we can hope for is a better life, right?

So we make resolutions, usually resolutions to change something we feel is wrong with our current situation. Our weight, our jobs, our relationships, our commitments to one thing or another. We want to quit smoking or eat better or work out more, or the vague-but-often-uttered "be a better person."

This year, I intend to do something different.

Instead of vowing to CHANGE . . .

I vow to CREATE!!

Follow along with me as, over the next year or so, I post about inspiration and creation. I plan to CREATE something new every week, with pictures and directions on how it was created! I expect some smashing successes (and a few laughable failures, as well).

Hope you enjoy what I come up with, and may you be inspired to CREATE new things in your own life in 2012!!


Just as a sneak peek . . . I perused Micheal's clearance last Friday (and also got some much-needed items at Hobby Lobby) and came home with all of this to use in future crafts:

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this Jaynie!!! I can't wait to see what you come up with and maybe try some at arts & crafts time with my girls!
