Thursday, February 2, 2012

Inspiration: Guest Book Scrapbook!

Have you ever been to a party that had a guest book?

You, what, sign your name? Hope that someday your host(s) actually look at the guest book so they remember you were there?


This past November, 11-11-11 to be exact, I threw myself a Birthday Prom. Yes, it was the most expensive party I've ever thrown for myself, but it was, by far, the most epic party I'll ever have. 100 friends and relatives came in their fanciest duds to dance the night away and celebrate my life. It was THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE thus far.

I spent 2 years planning the details of the party. But it wasn't until the week before that I realized I didn't have a guest book!! I'd totally forgotten!! I knew the night was going to be too crazy and would go way too fast, and I wanted a way to remember who came. I happened to be walking through Hobby Lobby when inspiration struck--I'd make a guest book scrapbook!!

I purchased a 6x6 album and 2 refill packs, like below.

Then I purchased a book of white/grey/black/silver patterned scrapbook paper. My theme colors were black/white/gold/silver, and that book of paper fit the theme perfectly :) I cut the 12x12 paper into 6x6 quarters, and glued on pieces of white cardstock in various sizes.

(Those of you who helped me set up on prom day will remember my total diva freak-out moment when I realized I'd forgotten glue sticks and I ordered my best friend to leave the venue immediately to purchase me some . . . that's what I get for literally waiting for the last minute to put the scrap book idea together).

Here's a random sampling of what the blank pages looked like:

Then, I put the loose pages out on the gift/card table at prom. Blank pages in one box, finished papers in another. It was fun to walk past throughout the night and see the finished pages stack up. Wanna see what the table looked like? I thought so :)

Anyway, when all was said and done, I had a stack of fun love letters from the people in my life. Here's a few of my favorites:

So all of this happened almost 3 months ago, and last week, I FINALLY put everything together and I now have a fun guest book that I will smile over for years to come!

I added some blank pages as well and when I get the pictures back from the photographer, I'll print some and add them in. Then it will be PERFECT.

So, the next time you have an epic party to host, consider throwing out some blank scrapbook pages and I promise, you will have a cherished scrapbook when you're done. Reading those notes at the end of the night was icing on the birthday cake <3

Hope you enjoyed this tidbit of inspiration!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Just what I needed for my mother's 80th birthday.
