Thursday, February 2, 2012

Scrapbook Paper & Tile MAGNETS!!

Remember these?

Last month, I made safari-themed coasters out of 4x4 tiles and scrapbook paper. (You can find that tutorial here)

Last night, I made safari-themed refrigerator magnets out of 2x2 tiles and the leftover scraps of paper from my coasters!


For this craft, you'll need the following:

*A 1ft x 1ft sheet of 2x2 tiles (one sheet has 36 tiles)
*Your scrapbook paper of choice (also consider pictures, sheet music, stickers, etc)

I started with the sheet of tiles, which I got at Menards for $2.84 after tax (that's a whopping 8 cents per tile). There are glue dabs on the back that keep the sheet together, but it was simple enough to twist and pull the tiles apart.

There's going to be glue bits on each tile. I found my fingernail clippers worked GREAT at trimming them off quickly. It's a bit time-consuming, but worth it.

I had scraps of paper left over from my coasters, and since the tiles are 2x2, I cut the paper into 1 3/4 inch x 1 3/4 inch squares. I also cut a couple squares out of the felt I used to back the coasters, because that giraffe print is pretty adorable!

Next, I laid my tiles out on newspaper and gave each one a quick coat of Mod-Podge.

Then I positioned my paper squares on each tile, making sure to leave an equal border on all four sides. When I was done, I had a fun assortment!

Now, I liked what I had. But then I glanced over and saw this random pile of scraps:

I used the scraps and a bit of Mod-Podge to decorate the tiles (SO MUCH FUN) and then did a final coat of Mod-Podge over the top!

Once the tiles were dry (I waited about 30 minutes), I put the magnets on the back. I bought a pack of magnets at Walmart for a couple of bucks that had stickers on the back . . . couldn't be easier!

That's it! I was done!

This magnet is one of my favorites (and don't pretend that you don't love that picture of my Remington and his girlfriend Ginger):

I also love these two green magnets (and yes, that's me in the back of that fire engine waving like a fool at my parents during my first-ever Great Lakes Burn Camp parade!):

And there you go, super adorable tile magnets. I still have 21 tiles left, and I know JUST what I'll be doing with them. Stay tuned!

Until next time,


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