Monday, January 2, 2012

Sparkley New Year's Flats


My first craft posting of the new year!!

First, I must admit that I haven't yet created anything so far this year, but I did create something to celebrate the celebration of the new year in.

Make sense?


My New Year's Eve plans involved attending my Framily New Year's Eve party. My 3 best girlfriends and 5 of my best boy friends gathered to eat, look fancy, and play games.

And a fancy outfit called for fancy shoes!

I found the inspiration while Stumbling Upon the internet (via Stumble Upon, my favorite way to find new ideas). You can find the original blog here

Or, you can just finish reading this blog :)

I started with these shoes that I found at Payless for $8.

Very plain, very gross taupey-brown color. Blech.

Once I had the shoes, I couldn't WAIT to buy the glitter. I went to Hobby Lobby on Friday afternoon and purchased the following supplies:

I started immediately upon arriving home from Hobby Lobby. I laid out some newspaper and gathered everything I needed to begin!

Okay, first step was mix glitter with Mod-Podge. I used A LOT of glitter. A LOT.

In retrospect, I would maybe use less glitter with the first coat, just so it didn't end up so chunky. But, the process looks a little like this:

When the first coat was dry, it looked like this:

I let it dry for about 30 minutes and mixed up more glitter and Mod-Podge and put on another coat. Then I left for a few hours, came home and mixed up MORE glitter/glue and did the third coat. The fourth and final coat was applied the next morning.

(It was after the second coat that I realized I was probably going to always have some glitter/glue mixture left after each coat, so I found an old plain silver tealight candle holder and used the remaining mixture to glitter-fy the candle holder. I neglected to take a picture of it, but I'll add one later. It might be fun/worth it/wise to have something on hand you can glitter so none of the mixture goes to waste.)

Four coats of glitter and Mod-Podge later, my ugly brown shoes were transformed!

Once the final coat was dry, it was time for the clear spray. I stuffed the shoes with newspaper so that I could be free to spray without worrying about damaging the interior of the shoes. And then I took them outside and sprayed one solid coat all over each shoe.

Ready to see the finished product????

. . . .


I finished these shoes just hours before wearing them to Framily New Year's Eve. I couldn't wait to show them off. I like to think that everyone was very impressed :)

Not bad, right?

I am pretty pumped to begin the first OFFICIAL creation project of the new year, but I am still proud of what I created to celebrate the celebration of the new year in!

Stay tuned for more creation!!


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